Shreya Murthy put his best leg forward

Shreya Murthy has trained under Priyadarsini Govind

Shreya Murthy has trained photo credit under Priyadarsini Govind: SR Raghunathan

Shreya Murthy, a disciple of Priyadarsini Govind, recently performed for the Ilamani Thiramai series at the Krishna Gana Sabha Mini Hall.

The piece of the opening, Othukadu Venkat Subbier’s ‘Sri Vignarajam Bhaje’, Raga Gambhirnatti, Tala Khanda Chapu, was organized systematically by Rajkumar Bharati.

The focal point of the recurrence of the evening was Varnaam ‘Sumasayaka’, which was a composition of Swati Tirunal. Shreya brought Sakhi to life, begged to meet his friend with Lord Padmanabh, pain with love. Through complex manifestations, he expressed the urgency of Sakhi, his friend’s longing and intensity of incomplete desire. Set in Raga Karnataka Kapi and Tala Roopakam, Jatiiti’s composition Senior Mridajist ji. Vijayarghvan did it. The jatti portion stood out for its choreography, which is characterized by sharp hand movements.

A piece of acting titled ‘Hey Heraamba Kimamba’ showed a playful conversation between Parvati and her sons Ganesh and Muruga. Parvati heard Ganesha. He complains that Muruga pulled his ears, which scolded Paramwati Muruga. Defending herself, Muruga accused Ganesh of counting his eyes, which Ganesh said that Muruga measured his trunk. Surprised by this quarrel, Parvati laughs and loves the controversy with love. Set in ragamalika and talmalika, this piece was set for music by Rajkumar Bharahi.

Shreya idol in Krishna Gana Sabha in Chennai

Shreya idol at Krishna Gana Sabha in Chennai. Photo Credit: SR Ragunathan

Shreya’s actress expressed the concern of Paramavati and the innocence of Ganesh and Muruga. Through the accurate Narita, he captured the playful quarrel.

In Padam ‘Witch’, set in the raga and Mishra Chapu Taal, Shreya highlighted the heroine’s adventure, despite the social decision that she faces.

The artist installed the recurrence of the evening in the raga country and Adi Tala with a Thailana by Lalguri ji Jayaraman.

In the demonstration, Krethika Arvind was shown on Vocals, Shivprasad on the violin on Nandini Sai Giridhi and Shawetha on Nattuvangam on Shawetha Prakanta.

All pieces were choreographedPriyadarsini Govind, by Shreya’s Guru.

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