
Samsung Electronics Executive Han Jong-Hi Dies in 63

The veteran of nearly four decades of Samsung Electronics co-main executive officer Han Jong-Hi and South Korean consumer technology giant died on Tuesday.

According to a company spokesperson, Mr. Han, who was 63 years old, suddenly suffered a heart attack.

Since 2022, Mr. Han shared the chief executive duties with the head of Samsung’s semiconductor business, which was recently June Young-Hune. After the death of Mr. Han on Mr. June on Tuesday, the only chief executive of Samsung Electronics was named, the company said public notice,

Mr. Han had run Samsung’s consumer electronics business since 2021 and added digital equipment operation to its brief after a year. He was also a member of the board. First he oversees the group that creates visual displays for different types of Samsung’s different types of electronic devices.

Mr. Han graduated from Inha University in Incheon, South Korea with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He joined Samsung in 1988 in 1988 after the death of his founder Lee Bung-Chul during a decisive period in the company’s history.

Mr. Lee’s son and successor continuously pushed Samsung for the season of technical changes of 1990 and 2000s to dominate the market for flat-screen displays and mobile phones.

The greatest and most successful among the groups known as Samsung Chabol that converted South Korea’s economy into a global export power plant. Samsung Electronics accounts for an important part Export of the country. Samsung is one of the most popular brands in the global smartphone market, where it competes with Apple and Xiaomi. It is also the world’s largest manufacturer of the memory chips used in everything from electric cars and smart watches to advanced artificial intelligence servers.

Mr. Han has survived his wife and three children, the company said. The spokesman said that a funeral would be performed at the funeral hall of Samsung Seoul Hospital on Thursday.

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