
In Google’s wildfire detection plan in the classroom first ‘Fireset’ satellite, beautiful Pichai Thanks SpaceX- you need to know all. Mint

The technical initiative of Google Research has seen its first successful step for the initial detection of the wildfire – the launch of its first ‘Fireset’ satellite in the Earth’s orbit on March 17. Celebrating a milestone on social media platform X, Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai shouted the partners and expanded “special thanks” for the ride of Elon Musk.

FIRESAT: The first of over 50 satellites launched, Sundar Pichai says

Sundar Pichai wrote, “We have a liftoff! After a successful launch this week, the first Fireset satellite is now orbiting the Earth.” He said, “This is the first of the 50+ satellite constellation that will help detect the small wildfire as 5×5 meters using AI,” he said.

Sundar Pichai gave “heavy thanks” for research and funding partners Mun Space, Earth Fire Alliance and The Moore Foundation. Adding, “.., and special thanks to SpaceX for the ride!” With a picture of the satellite on the launch pad.

Here you have to know about ‘Fireset’, Google Research and its non-profit wildfire detection initiatives.

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