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If you want to make strong money, then open this medicine store, you have to start work, you will get 2 million.

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John Ashadhi Kendra. The government has opened 13,200 centers under Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya John Aushadhi Kendra Yojana. The purpose of the government is to open 25,000 centers by 2027. The scheme is promoting cheap medicines and employment.

If you want to make strong money, then open this medicine store, you have to start work, you will get 2 million.

Those who apply for John Aushadhi Kinder will have to pay a fee of Rs 5,000.


  • The government has opened 13,200 John Aushadhi Kendra.
  • Open the center, you are encouraged for up to two lakh rupees.
  • Go to for request.

New Delhi. The government is running the Bharatiya John Aushadhi Kendra Yojana to provide cheap medicines to the people and promote employment. Under this scheme, 13,200 John Aushadi Kendra has been opened across the country so far. The purpose of the government is to reach 25,000 by March 2027. The special thing about the scheme is that the government not only encourages a time to open up to cheap drug shops up to Rs 2 lakh, but also provides the shop owner at a cheap rate from the market. 20 % commission on the sale of medicines and 15 % concessions on the purchase of up to Rs 5 lakh in a month.

Anyone, a hospital, NGO, or pharmacist can open John Ashadhi Cander. The government gives Rs 2 lakh to buy furniture, computers, fridge, etc. for John Aushadhi Kiendra. This money is only given once. You should have at least 120 square feet of space or services to open John Aushadhi Kendra. In order to provide rent proof, the lease agreement or allotment letter must be given. In addition, you should also have a registered pharmacist. At the time of the approval of John Aushadi Kinder, it has to be given detailed information about his name and registration. If you are from female business people, former serviceman, Divyang, SC/ST or aspirants from the Himalayan region, the island of the island or the northeastern states, it will have to present its certificate and action.

Also Read- Take the DDA flat for Rs 17.4 lakh, which will arrive first, first will be found, the booking will start from today.

The application fee is Rs 5000
Those who apply for John Aushadhi Kinder will have to pay an unspoken application fee of Rs 5,000. Women businessmen, Divyang, SC / ST, X Servicemen and Netty Ayog, the Himalayan region, the region of the island and the eastern states have been exempted from the fees. That is, they can apply.

How to apply

  • Go to the official website Genoshadi.Gov.
  • Click the application for the cantonment in the menu on the home page.
  • Click here to apply to the new open page.
  • The sign in form will open, select the register under it right now.
  • Fill the information sought on the open registration form on the screen.
  • Choose the state in the dropdown box, enter the ID-password section.
  • Box of Terms and Conditions. Then, click the submitting button.
Home Business

If you want to make strong money, then open this medicine store, you have to start work, you will get 2 million.

. John Ashadi Yojana Benefits (T) Cheap Madison Shop Scheme India (T) Prime Minister Bharatiya Jan Aushadhi Kendra Scheme (T) John Aushadhi Kendra (T) John Aushadhi Kendra.
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