
How to check Word Count in Google Docs

Word count acts in a way to measure the length of a document. For example, many professional marketing or product papers are between 2,500 and 6,000 words. The length of the blog post is different, which often ends somewhere between 400 and 1,700 words. Workshop details and speaker autobiography for conferences often do not exceed more than 100 words.

To ensure that your content meets the requirements of length for a specific task or project, it is a good idea to continuously check the word calculation in your document. In this guide, we will cover how to get a live word count for an entire Google Docs document, a selected section of the text in your browser, or Google Docs apps for Android and iOS using the underlying word counters. You will also learn what materials are included in the total word count.

How to check Word Count in Google Docs

Google Docks can display the word calculation for Android and iOS in a browser and Google Doc apps. To see the word calculation, follow the steps listed below.

See: Google Docs and Microsoft Word offer the same but different abilities.

Google Docs Word count on a laptop or desktop

  1. Open your Google Doc in Google Chrome.
  2. Select the tool.
  3. Select Word Count.

Alternatively, Ctrl+Shift+C or Press on Apple device, command+shift+c.

In Chrome on the web, it offers the option to display the word calculation when typing the system, which calculates a current word in the lower-left section of the browser window.

Equipment | Word Count menu option (left) displays Word Count (right) in Google Docs on the web.
Equipment | Word Count menu option (left) displays Word Count (right) in Google Docs on the web.

Check Google Dox Word Count on Android

  1. Open your Google Doctor in Google Docks App.
  2. Tap on the three-dot menu in the upper right corner.
  3. Tap Word Count.
To display Word Count (Right) in Google Docs Android app, tap on more menu (left), then Word Count (Middle).
To display Word Count (Right) in Google Docs Android app, tap on more menu (left), then Word Count (Middle).

Check Google Dox Word Count on iOS or iPados

  1. Open your Google Doctor in Google Docks App.
  2. Tap on the three-dot menu in the upper right corner.
  3. Tap Word Count.
To display Word Count (Right) in Google Dox iOS and iPados apps, tap on more menu (left), then Word Count (Middle).
To display Word Count (Right) in Google Dox iOS and iPados apps, tap on more menu (left), then Word Count (Middle).

How to get word calculation for selected text in Google Doctor

You also have the option to check Word Count for a part of your document. To do this, select some text within your Google doctor, and then use the word calculation by following the above steps. The system will show the word count for your selection and the word count for the Google doctor.

You can get a word calculation for a selected section of the text, as shown here in the web (left) in Google Docs, and Google Docs Android (Middle) and iOS (right) apps.
You can get a word calculation for a selected section of the text, as shown here in the web (left) in Google Docs, and Google Docs Android (Middle) and iOS (right) apps.

What is included and the word is excluded in the calculation?

Google Docs can display:

  • word count.
  • The overall character calculation, including the number of letters, symbols, numbers and spaces.
  • Counting of character, except for spaces.

A desktop-class browser also displays the number of pages in your Google doctor.

However, Google Docks Word Counts excludes the content in the counted headers, foot and footnotes. It does not count symbols, such as “<" या ">“Indications, as words, although it calculates M dash.

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The Google Docs Word Count contains a few words found in the long link (ie, URL). For example, if you choose this link for techrepublic article, vs-Microsoft-word/, then the system sings as five words .

If you have a document with many long links displayed fully, keep in mind that the current word calculation of the system may exceed a manual word count.

Except reading on the basis of Word Count

If you examine the word count of a document, you can guess the time of reading. A general assessment rule is to assume that an average adult will read approximately 250 words per minute, so a standard 1,000-word document, for example, may take about four minutes to read.

See: You can also get the word calculation of specific phrases in Microsoft Word.

The reading speed material can vary depending on the type. Often a standard, compared to unfamiliar words compared to a standard, simple letter, takes more time to read technical text. Depending on your audience and the material type you work, you can adjust your estimate. 200 words per minute have a good estimate for hard material or less experienced readers, and 300 words per minute have easy content and a logical estimate for skilled readers.

Megan Craus updated the article in January 2025.

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