Ben Stiller, Mark Raffalo, Kate Blanchet, Paul McCartney and 400 Hollywood stars AI united for strong copyright security. – The Times of India

Ben Still, Mark Raffalo, Kate Blanchet, Paul McCartney and 400 Hollywood stars are united for strong copyright security against AI

More than 400 Hollywood stars of films, MUISc and television have come together to sign an open letter, urging the administration of President Donald Trump to maintain strong copyright security against artificial intelligence (AI).
The letter addressed to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy expresses an alarm on the attitude of major technical companies advocating the more liberal intellectual property (IP) rules. According to Deadline and Variety, Ben Stiller, Kate Blanchet, Mark Raffalo, Synthia Erivo, Paul Simon, Paul McCartney, Ron Howard, Filmmaker Taika Wetty, Guillermo del Toro, Alphonso Curon, Sam Mendes, signed reports signed. Artists including Chris Rock, Tessa Thompson and Patton Oswalt have also lended their voice for this reason. Since 15 March, additional creatives such as Dan Levi, Zaida Pinket Smith, Willow Smith and Nicholas Braun have joined the initiative.
The stars have come together to warn against the possible risks of weakening copyright security. According to the variety, it is written in the letter, “We strongly believe that the global AI leadership of America should not come at the cost of our essential creative industries.”
AI leaders Openi and recent submissions arise concerns Google For the White House office of science and technology. The submission of OpenaiI on March 13 argues that strict adherence to copyright laws may obstruct the US to maintain its competitive lead against China in the AI ​​race. The company urged the government to secure the freedom of Americans to learn from AI, and avoid seizing our AI to PRC by preserving the ability of the American AI model to learn from copyright content. ” Google shared the Bhavna, saying that “the current copyright law enabling innovation.”
The entertainment industry, however, is unbreakable in its opposition to freely use copyright content to train its model against AI companies. The letter asks firms to interact on “appropriate license” with copyright holders, stressing that “access to the creative catalogs, writing, video content and creative catalogs of music of films is not a matter of national security.”
The letter also highlighted the significant contribution of the entertainment sector in the economy, supporting more than 2.3 million jobs and produced more than $ 229 billion in annual wages.

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