A place on social media that still feels human

Earlier this year, I was thumbing through Facebook Marketplace when I came to “Fire Piano” for sale. I clicked the listing, hoping that “fire” meant “cool”, but something more literal was found: a fireworks piano, McGivar spit the flames from its top, spit the flames, whenever a player tickled the keys.
In the brief description with the post, the California-based seller said how he was making this piece by hand until “a injury did not take him out of the shop.” He was now asking $ 2,000 for the piano, which he considered 90 percent complete. This artist was thwarted from realizing his strange vision, which left me both surprised and strangely. I spent the rest of that night thinking if he was tinkering with the piano, and if he missed the process of making them. For a moment I also asked what this remarkable piece would look like if he would see it.
Before starting the Facebook Marketplace in 2016, I am passing the goods of other people. I often venture for the flea markets, thrift shops and swaps of Los Angeles, which collides far away into high school parking lots, drive-in movie theater and esoterous storefronts. I will prevent the sale of estate on weekends from the 1970s to comb the weekends from the 1970s to comb through chess-tukra-colding kits and small cocktail shakers. I am more attracted to the aura around these objects, and the stories that I imagine can tell, I myself am compared to objects. In one afternoon the sale of a property in the afternoon nourishes my curiosity about the items spent who creates a life, which over time holds importance as a flicker and what people choose to go to change their surroundings and they also do.
A similar impulse took me to the Facebook marketplace, yet it has been asked to say a digital thrift shop how unique and bizarre the platform is. Facebook is not the best best prism through which to consider someone’s existence, but its market application still surprises instead of serving – or, at least, Only Serving Up – Elgorithm Slope. It provides me with stories that I can only imagine when I am browsing through shops. Marketplace is different in the fact that these disparities are usually not divorced from their references: the details of the vendors may be explained, say, 68 pairs of salt and pepper shakers brought to their lives, or why they were participating with the action figure of a random jack man (the sellers had thought that the toy (rock) was stunned.
Ephemera, who populated Facebook Marketplace, has turned a corner of the network into a place of amazement, perhaps too happiness. In this way, my habit of scrolling through Facebook Marketplace is not just the increase of in-practice thrifting experience. It is almost a form of time travel to gaze at its fundamental strange, a callback for the craze that defines the web 1.0 era. These bizarre prasad are the types of things you will expect from a place like Stambaloopon – a begon site from the Internet of Your that features a button, which, when clicked, took you to a random website. The items on the Facebook marketplace are so randomly lukewarm that they remind me of the advocates of the images that hold the pages of the terrain.
As a millennium, which recalls how fun the newborn can be the internet, it is a relief to find the reminiscent of that time. It serves me such as a stunning mid -century amber glass “swag lamp”, making me a terrible face to immediately follow a “unique wallet”. This chaotic performance is like staring in one’s hallway closet, which rotates with tchotchkes, for which they could not find another place. This is fine where flocks of humanity emerge.
In a listing, a seller was getting rid of chic lamps, sofas, lounge chairs and a dining table amidst the ongoing divorce. In the caption, he said that “everything needs to be sold and income divided.” “All items are in great shape and are well taken care of,” he went away. “Be kind, it’s difficult.” Another listing, which featured a baseball cap with the words “Shit Show Supervisor”, was described as a gift from the seller’s son: “Single Parenting in Its Foster.” (Such as to overcome any disappointing implications, he assured potential buyers that the cap was a fun.) Such a listing has considered me how the items can be charged with the memories that we cherish, although they were difficult when we were experiencing them; And how to give these items can feel like the parts of our own mourning that we are thin or forced to leave behind.
Staring into this cabinet of chaos, I have learned about strange objects that create a life. I have dropped the rabbit hole of obsolete decorations like gossip chairs. But these divers have mostly made me sit with reality, which, due to limited money or place, or personal disagreement, we should sometimes give up things that we cherish – but the importance of those items can be passed at least someone else.
I have finished buying just two items from the Facebook marketplace: a marble coffee table and a luxurious bending. But there is next to the point of buying items. It turns out that I do not really want to buy a thing -shaped lamp. I, however, want to know about the life of the person, who could not live without that lamp, at one point.
(Tagstotransite) e-commerce (T) Social Media (T) Thrift Shops (T) Facebook Inc.
#place #social #media #feels #human